It is true that technologies have made our work a hundred times easier, but there are always concerns about privacy and information security in the wonderful world of the Internet. The same is true for cloud computing security. Have you ever asked yourself to what extent we can trust Cloud Computing technology and entrust the information of our site and users to it?
Stay with us in this article to find the answer to this question. If you have an opinion or experience, we would be happy if you share it with us.
First of all, let’s have a short and quick review on the definition of cloud computing and its benefits.
What is cloud computing?
Table of Contents
We have previously defined this category in detail in an article entitled “What is cloud computing and what are its uses?” We recommend that you read this article on our blog if you intend to fully master this topic; But since the topic of this article is cloud computing security, it is not bad to have a brief explanation in this regard.
Cloud computing is the translation of Cloud computing. To perform activities such as data processing and storage, you can use powerful computers that are very expensive to purchase, and you can also use the new cloud computing method.
The cloud refers to a vast space on the Internet platform that is provided by various companies and performs the same tasks as supercomputers (at a much lower cost). Therefore, for services such as e-mail, data storage, backup, application development and testing platforms, etc., dedicated infrastructures can be provided and cloud computing services can be used.
The purpose of writing this article is to address the issue of cloud computing security; But let’s talk a little about the benefits of this system.
A brief overview of the advantages and benefits of cloud computing
If we want to talk about the advantages of this system, first of all, we must mention its cost-effectiveness.
This is especially important for start-up businesses. Those that do not need to have a dedicated server and work with much less resources. By using cloud computing systems, these businesses pay for the amount of resources they use.
Apart from financial savings, the possibility of employees working remotely is another set of benefits of cloud computing.
Along with all this, it is said that one of the most important features of Cloud Computing is its high security; But is this true?
Cloud computing security: myth or reality?!!
There is no definitive answer to this question. A cloud computing system can provide the utmost safety for customer data, at the same time, a cloud computing system can easily lead to information leakage! it’s complicated?? Well, you are right!
If we want to answer this question in general, we must say that the security of cloud computing is more than the traditional system and having a dedicated physical server. Many of the risks that threaten your data if you have these servers are eliminated by using a cloud computing system.
For example, you no longer need to worry about natural disasters. Were you worried about catching fire in the room where your server was kept? Clouds solve the problem. Also, most cloud computing systems, by regularly backing up your data, make you feel at ease that even if your data is lost for any reason, you can recover it.
3 factors that make cloud computing secure
We mentioned it several times in the text, we will mention it here, and we will probably mention it in the future! Clouds are a safe platform for keeping your data and information; But why? For 3 reasons:
1) Keeping information in different places
Losing information can be just as painful as having it stolen. Either way, you no longer have access to the data you need. In cloud computing systems, customer information and data are stored in different places. At least 3 points!
This means that even if the server storing your information is destroyed for any reason, you can still access vital and needed data; But if a local server is responsible for keeping your data and it goes down for any reason – if you don’t have a backup somewhere else – nobody can do anything. The adage that goes into the atmosphere does not return, applies in such a situation.
2) Safe sharing system
One of the most popular and convenient situations for hackers is when data is being transferred from one point to another. In this situation, they can use all their efforts to divert the information from the main path and transfer them to the desired path.
If you’ve worked with Google Docs, you’ll know what we mean. In this system, it is possible to access information only for people whose email addresses have been confirmed by the uploader of the information. In addition, the amount of this access is also determined by the uploader.
3) Encryption
In cloud computing systems, information and data are encrypted. In this way, anyone who wants to access a part of them, must prove the authorization of their access by entering the password. It is very difficult if not impossible for a hacker to find the password.
Very important tip: you should focus on access more than worrying about where data is stored. Information leakage generally happens when hackers gain access to authorized accounts.
As you have seen, cloud computing is inherently highly secure; But there are some facts that less people pay attention to.
8 facts you should know about cloud computing security
In general, the probability that hackers will succeed in attacking a cloud is very low; But it is not impossible. There is no guarantee that data will not be lost in any way. Indeed, in the IT world, nothing is 100%! In the following, we will share with you some facts that may slightly tarnish the innocent face of cloud computing.
1) Someone else accessed your information
This is an undeniable fact. Although your data is more secure in the cloud computing system, you can’t forget the fact that someone else is taking care of it. As a result, he can access this valuable information.
Of course, we must say that the big companies that provide this system have set up various mechanisms to solve this concern, which we will talk about later.
2) The nature of uploading information on the Internet is dangerous
Let’s put it this way. Using the Internet itself is dangerous! There is always a possibility that an unsuspecting hacker will be found and harm you or your collection. Even cloud services – although they are more secure than normal systems – are not exempt from this rule. It is enough to find a security hole in a cloud service. Hackers are trying hard to get in.
There is another point. Hackers never give up and persistence always pays off. Even when it is in line with sinister and evil goals; It means that every now and then an infiltration way is found and this is a dangerous issue.
3) Internal threats
Borrow To prevent burglars from entering, you have built the walls of your house higher than usual. Protective fences also make it impossible for thieves to enter. On the other hand, you have an alarm system and even a guard dog; But if the thief is not outside the complex and lives in your house, all your actions have been for nothing!
Most security breaches are from inside collections. From those employees who have the highest level of access. It doesn’t matter if the employee is corrupt or a hacker takes advantage of their naivety and gains access to their account, either way the data is at risk.
Keep in mind that remote access is possible in cloud systems, making it easier than ever for hackers.
4) Supervision from above
Not long ago, there was an information leak in the US National Security Agency (NSA) and confidential information fell into the hands of unknown people. Since then, many experts say that the chances of your data being monitored by higher authorities are not low! In fact, it can be said that privacy is still at risk.
Of course, this problem can be prevented by encrypting information.
5) Legal responsibilities
When it comes to information leakage, we cannot ignore the consequences. Anyway, some confidential data has been leaked and no problem is going to happen. If you plan to use cloud computing, you should know that if something goes wrong, you are responsible for your users’ information and you should be accountable.
In any case, with each information leak, one party has suffered a loss and one party is guilty as the person in charge who failed to take care of the information.
6) Absence of any standard
Most cloud service providers do their best to ensure the security of your data; But since no standard has been defined in this field, you as a customer cannot determine how safe the service is!
In the matter of cloud service security, in addition to the provider, the industry in which the company operates should also be considered.
7) Lack of support
Of course, many famous and large companies that operate in this field support their customers well; But there are companies that perform poorly in this field. Businesses whose field of activity is such that they need direct support should definitely get services from big well-known companies – which we said have acceptable support.
8) Danger is always lurking
At the beginning of this section, we said that nothing is 100% in the IT world. Indeed, how well we said! Risk never goes away; Because hackers are always ready to attack the target with new methods. Therefore, no matter how secure a cloud system is, there is still a possibility of information leakage – although very low.
Despite these issues, the cost-effectiveness and, of course, the high security of cloud systems compared to other types, have caused many small and large businesses to forget about physical servers and bring them to Cloud Computing.
Measures of cloud computing service providers to ensure security
It can be said that any business that does not have a round-the-clock IT team should use a cloud computing system. As we said in the previous section, in order to achieve maximum security, the cloud computing service providers used must be adjusted for the needs of that organization.
Big companies like Amazon and Microsoft maintain their cloud service servers in environments with very high security protocols. Round-the-clock guards, fences and barbed wire, fingerprint access, etc. are just some of these protocols.
Partitioning is another measure to keep data secure. In this way, even if the data of one customer is attacked by hackers, the data of other customers will not be damaged.
Reputable companies, in order to preserve their reputation, try not to have any security flaws; Because the existence of any problem on the part of these companies causes them to be scandalized in the media, and they do not want such a thing.
In short, you can be 99% comfortable with the service provider.
Finally: you are also responsible
Using cloud computing does not eliminate your security responsibilities! You still need to manage defense systems, you still need to closely monitor access, and you need to constantly update your knowledge and information.
So, in general, data in cloud computing is more secure than older systems such as local servers; The probability of vulnerability becomes very low, but never zero.
If you have experience related to cloud computing security, we are waiting for you in the comments section. Your opinion helps our article to be more complete. do not hesitate