What is an SSD server? If you intend to buy a host to host your site, you must have paid attention to the type of memory, storage or hard server in the host’s specifications. There are different types of hard drives, which may be a normal hard drive, which is called HDD, or it may have newer hard drives with more advanced technology, which are called SSD.

In this article, we will fully discuss what are the features of the SSD server? And also what advantages and advantages do they have over normal hard drives? In this section, we will introduce you to different types of SSD servers so that you can make a smart purchase.

Introduction of SSD hard drive and its use

The word ssd is abbreviated as Solid State Disk. SSD hard drives are one of the newest types of hard drives on which the desired information is stored. In fact, it can be said that ssd hard drives are newer models with more up-to-date technology of normal hard drives or HDD. SSD memories have the same technology as flash memories.

In normal memories, information needed to be stored on a magnetic plate, which made the speed of writing and reading information very low, but in ssd memories, information is stored on a series of grids or flash cells, each of which is called a block. will be Each of these blocks has the ability to store 256 kilobytes to 4 megabytes of information. Every SSD hard drive has a controller that whenever we need to receive information, by knowing which file is stored in which block, it returns the desired information to us within a few nanoseconds.

Advantages of buying an SSD server

Due to having more up-to-date technologies, SSD servers definitely have a number of advantages over normal hard drives or HDDs, some of which we will discuss.

  1. Lower energy consumption

Due to the way it works and the latest technology, the SSD server consumes less energy than conventional hard drives. As a result, the energy source of our device will consume less energy despite the SSD hard drive.

  1. Lower production heat in SSD server

In an SSD server, there are no magnetic plates that are constantly rotating to store information, and instead, it uses flash memory to store information, which results in much less heat and heat generated in the hard drive system. This will help increase its life and the amount of time you can use it continuously.

  1. High execution speed

SSD hard drives are approximately 100 times faster than conventional hard drives. This issue helps to increase the processing and reading of information, so when you need high speed, this hard drive can be useful.

  1. More useful life

Because the SSD hard drive uses flash memory type to store information and has no moving parts, as a result, it helps to have a more useful life and also better performance than normal hard drives, which is why the efficiency of the SSD hard drive is higher.

  1. SSD server size

ssd hard drives are produced in smaller sizes compared to normal hard drives, and as a result, they occupy less space from the server and the desired hardware.

Disadvantages of buying an SSD server

SSD servers, in addition to the great advantages they have over conventional hard drives, also have a series of disadvantages, which we will discuss below.

  1. Price of ssd hard drive for server

In server SSD hard drives, the capacity you get is higher than normal hard drives, that is, the cost you have to pay to buy an SSD hard drive with a capacity of 250 GB, you can use it to buy a normal hard drive up to 2 TB.

Introducing the SSD server

  1. Hard data recovery

SSD hard drives for servers are very difficult and even impossible to recover data; Because the possibility of data recovery in SSD hard drives depends on a series of special conditions.

Important points when buying an SSD server

When buying an SSD hard drive for a server, it is better to pay attention to the following points:

  1. SSD hard drive capacity

One of the most important things when buying SSD memory for a server is to pay attention to its capacity. Due to the high price of SSD servers, you will probably have to buy SSD memories with a capacity of less than 1 TB.

  1. Dimensions and size

Another thing when buying a server SSD hard drive is to pay attention to its hard drive dimensions. If you want to buy a hard drive after buying a server, you should buy an SSD hard drive with suitable dimensions for the server according to its installation location. The most common SSD hard drive sizes for servers are 2.5 and 3.5 inches.

  1. Hard drive speed

When you want to buy an SSD hard drive for a server, the speed of writing and reading information is written on it. According to your needs, it is better to use SSD hard drive with suitable speed.

SSD memory speed slows down over time!

Why does the speed of SSD memory become slower and slower over time? As we mentioned, the information in SSD hard drives is stored on blocks. When you buy a new hard drive, all its blocks are empty, and as much information is written on these blocks, the number of empty pages in each block will decrease over time.

Considering that the server’s SSD memory is not able to overwrite the information, so whenever new information needs to be stored on it, the SSD hard drive controller must look for blocks that have suitable and sufficient empty pages, then Empty all these pages of information and store new information on them. As a result, with the prolongation of this process, over time, the speed of the server’s SSD storage becomes less and less.

Checking all types of SSD servers

There are various servers that use in-memory technology that you can use to host your website. In the following, we will introduce some of these servers.

  • SSD virtual server
  • Dedicated SSD server
  • SSD cloud server

SSD virtual server

One of the types of servers that use system memory is SSD virtual server. In fact, in virtual servers, using software facilities, a part of a physical server is simulated virtually, which allows any amount of resources and any type of operating system to be installed on it.

The thing to pay attention to when buying a virtual server is the type of hard drive. Be sure to buy an SSD virtual server, because by using SSD storage space, the speed of information processing on your site will increase, and as a result, your users and customers can experience a high-speed interaction with your website.

Dedicated SSD server

In dedicated servers, you have a real physical server with all its resources. In these types of servers, there is no sharing of your server space with another server or another person, which means that all the capacity and resources of this server are at your disposal.

When buying a dedicated server, be sure to pay attention to the fact that the memory used in this server is of SSD type; Because it helps that if you need high speed, your needs will be fully met by the ssd hard drive.

SSD cloud server

These types of servers help people to use a real and physical server according to the resources they need and any type of configuration and operating system they need. In fact, every person having a cloud can use the resources and capacity of a real server without being dependent on another cloud. In the cloud server, SSD helps to increase the speed of reading and writing information, and as a result, you can experience a high speed.

final word

SSD servers have high performance in direct and connected storage. These server SSD drives are typically based on NAND flash, and putting this high-performance storage directly into the server reduces latency because your server doesn’t need to access data on an external storage array.

In this article, what is an SSD server and what advantages does it have over a server with a normal hard drive? And we also examined the purchase of the best SSD server, which makes you have an accurate choice when buying different types of servers for your website.


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