What is an NVMe server? If you are looking to buy a suitable server to host your site, you will definitely come across servers that have different types of memory. Some of them use NVMe memory, some may use SSD memory, and older types use normal HDD memory.

Servers that use NVMe memory are among the most advanced types of servers that have a very high speed and more up-to-date technology than other types of information storage memory. In this article, we will discuss these issues, what is nvme server? how did it work And what are its features that can encourage you to buy? We will also introduce you to different types of servers that use this memory.

What is NVMe server memory?

NVMe is an abbreviation of Non-Volatile Memory Express. This type of memory is one of the most up-to-date and advanced types of hard drives produced in the world, which has a high speed due to its special architecture, and you can have a very fast experience when using this type of hard drive. NVMe is up to 4 times faster than normal SSD hard drives, and for this reason, it is one of the first options chosen by companies and people who need their business and website to be very fast.

One of the things that increase the speed of the NVMe hard drive compared to other hard drives is that the NVMe hard drive is directly connected to the system motherboard and also uses the NVME PCIe hard drive connection port.

Advantages of purchasing an NVMe server

  1. Low energy consumption

Due to its up-to-date structure and new technologies in its construction, NVMe has a significantly low energy consumption; So that two similar servers, one of which uses an NVMe hard drive and the other uses different types of hard drives, the difference in their energy consumption is very large.

  1. Very high speed

As mentioned, this type of hard drive is directly connected to the motherboard and also uses PCIe ports, so; It has a very high speed in reading and writing information.

  1. Ability to perform heavy operations on NVMe server

If your business or website is in a form that has very heavy activities and high volume of information; We suggest you to use NVMe server because it can handle heavy activities with high data volume.

  1. Having an advanced cache memory

In NVMe memory, you see one of the most advanced cache memory systems in the world.

How nvme memory works

In the servers that use NVMe memory, the method of exchanging information between the server and the memory is in this way: first, the server makes its desired commands in the form of I/O Command Queues, and then these commands are registered and ready by the doorbell. is processed.

In the next step, the controller in the NVMe memory regularly checks to prepare it for execution if a specific processing instruction is registered. The way it works is that the NVMe controller receives I/O Command Queues.

In the next step, the controller sends the received commands to the I/O Completion queue along with a short-term stop or interrupt command. In the last step, the server needs to receive and register the existing I/O Completion queue commands.

Types of NVMe servers

  • NVMe virtual server
  • Dedicated NVMe server
  • NVMe cloud server

NVMe server

There are many different servers that use NVMe memory. In the following, we will introduce you to different types of NVMe servers.

  1. NVMe virtual server

One of the most common servers that use NVMe hard drives are virtual servers, also known as VPS virtual servers. In NVMe virtual servers, several virtual copies are made from a real server, and this main server uses an NVMe hard drive. In fact, on a real and physical server, you can have several separate servers, each of which has separate resources and uses a specific operating system.

Advantages of NVMe virtual server

  • Full control over the server and root access
  • You will be provided with more affordable costs than the facilities you receive.
  • You can easily upgrade the resources you want.

Disadvantages of NVMe virtual server

  • You need basic knowledge to maintain and operate it.
  • It costs more than subscription services.
  1. Dedicated NVMe server

Dedicated servers also use NVMe memory, which can provide you with a high-speed experience. In dedicated servers, a physical server with all its facilities and hardware is provided to you.

In simpler words, it means that all the capacity of a real and physical server is only for one person and its resources will not be available to another person or shared with another server. In your dedicated server, you can completely make any changes you want and install any operating system or server you need on your server.

Advantages of a dedicated NVMe server

Very high speed: because full resources are provided to you in these types of servers and NVMe memory is also used, you will experience very high speed.

Full access to the server: You have full control over your server and your server information and resources are not shared with anyone or any other server.

  1. NVMe cloud server

In cloud servers, we also see that NVMe memory is used. One of the interesting concepts that has recently become popular is cloud technology, which is also used by cloud servers. In cloud servers, a part of a physical server is shared and customers can have specific resources from this physical server depending on their needs.

Advantages of NVMe cloud server

  • Cost reduction: In these servers, because you use the resources of a server in a shared manner and also use those resources as much as you need, it will reduce your costs.
  • Easy to use: You don’t need any special knowledge in cloud servers to use it.
  • Reducing time: cloud services generally increase the speed of information access, and on the other hand, in the NVMe cloud server, due to the use of NVMe hard drives, the speed increases up to two times.

final word

NVMe servers are suitable for those looking for fast hosting. Conventional server memories may struggle when trying to access large amounts of data, but you can increase that server read speed by purchasing an NVMe hard drive. Today, the use of NVMe drives in hosting services is increasing.

In this section, we tried to fully introduce you to the NVMe server and introduce different types of servers that use this type of memory so that you can make the best choice if you intend to buy it.


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